Boys & Girls Club of Lake Tahoe
The Boys & Girls Club of Lake Tahoe needed a home of their own because their leased space was unable to accommodate the Club's programs and their landlord was in need of repurposing the building. The Club engaged LCG for a feasibility study and subsequent campaign counsel to raise funds for construction of their own facility. Despite no history of major fundraising and a global pandemic, the Club stayed the course and secured $2.7 million in 18 months with LCG. The Club continued successful fundraising after LCG's contract ended because they established a philanthropy mindset and built effective fundraising structures.
"LCG was a critical partner in the success of our campaign. They gave our board of directors confidence that we could raise significant funds even though no one on the board had any experience in this area. LCG helped us pivot to an all-virtual capital campaign amidst a global pandemic. Thanks in part to our partnership with LCG, South Lake Tahoe will soon have a beautiful, safe facility for children, enabling their parents to work and support our community's economy.”
- Jude Wood, Executive Director of Boys & Girls Club of Lake Tahoe

Davis Community Housing & Meals
To address the growing homeless needs in the small city of Davis, CA, a community-wide collaboration partnered with LCG to raise more than $5 million to build a multifunctional facility, Paul’s Place. Paul’s Place was designed to consolidate critical services in a central location, provide expanded shelter and enhance programming to meet the highly diverse and complicated needs of people living without shelter.
“We began working with LCG in 2018. What began as an idea to replace an aging program facility with an expanded facility with more functionality was transformed into reality due to their skill, expertise and tireless efforts. LCG guided us, worked across a broad cross
section of our community, and assisted our board of directors in helping achieve our fundraising goals. We will be breaking ground on our new facility this coming summer. A great success!!!”
- Bill Pride, Executive Director of Davis Community Meals and Housing

Christian Brothers High School
Since the late 1990’s, Christian Brothers has partnered with LCG on three major fundraising campaigns, totaling more than $20 million. In
2020, the school wrapped up a successful campaign to improve its campus and grow its tuition assistance endowment. In that effort, LCG helped the school raise $12.6 million, exceeding its publicly stated goal of $11.8 million.
“I was initially skeptical about hiring a team of consultants. But I soon realized it was an excellent return on our investment. LCG brought structure, strategy, discipline, accountability, and best practices to our campaign. We could not have done it without LCG! LCG embraced our school’s mission and was deeply committed to our success.”
- Willie Nolan, Campaign Chair and Former Chair of the Board of Trustees

Jesus Center
Serving the Northern California community of Chico, the Jesus Center exists to address homelessness, hunger and poverty. The Jesus Center wanted to explore a comprehensive and collaborative effort to develop an integrated, shared services model: the Renewal Center. By offering programming at one central location in the city, the Renewal Center will offer paths to new life for those who are experiencing homelessness. More than $6.6 million has been raised to date.
"As a former campaign consultant myself, finding LCG was a dream come true. They are committed to discipline, high quality, and relationships: what a perfect combination to undergird our vision of a campus addressing many facets of homelessness in the aftermath of the Camp Fire.”
- Laura Cootsona, Executive Director of the Jesus Center

La Salle Catholic College Preparatory
La Salle Catholic Prep (Portland, OR) is a coed private high school with a rich tradition of excellence. The Board of Trustees hired LCG to facilitate a national search for the school’s next President/CEO. LCG managed all aspects of the search and screening processes including: community engagement, candidate recruitment and cultivation, Search Committee management, candidate screening, semi-finalist and finalist interviews, and communications. The search resulted in a qualified pool of candidates, a thorough screening process, and the board’s selection of a highly qualified leader. LCG will continue to support the board and position the new president for sustained success by providing onboarding and coaching services during his first year of service.
“The logistics of the process, and the time and effort devoted to it, were exceptionally well-structured and facilitated. … The amount of time, energy, wisdom, and depth of experience that LCG provided was first-rate.” - Member of the Board of Trustees and Search Committee
“LCG demonstrated a commitment to the client’s needs and stakeholder feedback. They did not simply stick to the original plan because that’s how it’s been done in the past.” – Katie Allen, Search Committee member
Our Other Clients
Annunciation Greek Orthodox Church
Diocese of Sacramento
Modern Catholic Pilgrim
Mosaic Law Congregation
Our Lady of the Assumption Parish & School
St. Ignatius Loyola Parish and School
St. John the Baptist Catholic Church (Chico, CA)
St. John the Baptist Catholic Church (Folsom, CA)
The Abbey of New Clairvaux
Human/Social Services
ACC Senior Services
Alta California Regional Center
American Heart Association
Asian Community Center
California Department of Health & Human Services
California Mental Health Services Authority
Cedar Sinai Park
Center for Civic Partnerships
Central California Blood Center
Community Services Planning Council
Crossings Conference Center
Davis Community Meals & Housing
Goodwill Industries of Sacramento Valley, Inc.
Intercommunity Mercy Housing
Jesus Center
Mercy Housing California
Mercy Housing Colorado
Mercy Housing Idaho
Pacific Justice Institute
Poverello House
PRIDE Industries
Sacramento Food Bank & Family Services
Sacramento Habitat for Humanity
Sacramento Life Center
Sacramento Metro Chamber of Commerce
Saint John's Program for Real Change
Sexual Assault & Domestic Violence Center
Society for the Blind
The Mathews Foundation
The Osmond Family Foundation
The Sacramento Region Community Foundation
The Salvation Army Del Oro Division
The Salvation Army Kroc Community Center
The Salvation Army Long Beach
The Salvation Army of South Placer County
Volunteers of America Greater Sacramento and Northern Nevada
Children/Youth/Family Services
AOG Foundation
Boys & Girls Clubs of Coachella Valley
Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater Sacramento
Boys & Girls Club of Lake Tahoe
Boy Scouts of America – Golden Empire Council
California Children's Lobby
California Association of Children's Homes
California Association of Children's Services
California Consortium of Children's Councils
Center for the Family in Transition
Child Abuse Prevention Council of Sacramento
Child & Family Institute | Children's Miracle Network Telethon
Children's Receiving Home of Sacramento
EMQ Children & Family Services
EMQ FamiliesFirst
Fairytale Town
Families for Children
Family Service Agency
Foundation Consortium for California's Children & Youth
Head Start California
Help-A-Child Foundation
Hillview Acres Children's Home
Make-A-Wish Foundation of Sacramento and Northeastern California
River Oak Center for Children
Ronald McDonald House Charities
Sacramento Children's Home
Sacramento Crisis Nursery
Sacramento Life Center
Sierra Forever Families
Sierra Nevada Journeys
Stanford Home for Children
Woodland Youth Services
Youth Guidance Connection
California Association of Hospitals & Health Systems
CommuniCare Health Centers
Friends of Mercy Foundation
Marshall Foundation for Community Health
Mercy Foundation
Mercy Foundation North
Mercy General Hospital
Mercy Hospital of Folsom
Mercy McMahon Terrace
Mercy San Juan Hospital
Minority Health Professionals
Sierra Health Foundation
Sutter Medical Center Foundation Sacramento
Sutter Roseville Medical Center Foundation
TIDES Foundation - Community Clinics Initiative
UC Davis Health System
Arts & Culture
Aerospace Museum of California
California State Railroad Museum
Children's Theatre of California
County of Placer, Facilities Management
Crocker Art Museum
International House Davis
KVIE Television
Powerhouse Science Center
Sacramento Public Library
Tahoe Regional Arts Foundation
Beavers Charitable Trust
California Tribal College
Christian Brothers High School
City College of San Francisco
College of the Desert
Cristo Rey Jesuit Seattle High School
Cristo Rey Miami High School
Cristo Rey Research Triangle High School
Cristo Rey Richmond High School
Cristo Rey St. Viator College Preparatory High School
Cristo Rey Tampa Salesian High School
De La Salle Academy
Foundation for California Community Colleges
La Salle Catholic College Preparatory
Network of California Community College Foundations
Oak Hill School
Oak Ridge High School Foundation
Sacramento Country Day School
San Diego Community College District
ST. HOPE Academy
St. Michael's Episcopal Day School
UC Davis Betty Irene Moore School of Nursing
University of the Pacific McGeorge School of Law
Valley Christian Schools
William Jessup University
Animal Welfare/Environmental/Recreation
American River Parkway Foundation
Honeybee Discovery Center
Napa Farmers Market
Placer SPCA
The Living Desert
The Sacramento Tree Foundation
Truckee Donner Recreation & Park District