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Business Conference



How well a board governs determines how effectively a nonprofit advances its mission; yet, few board members truly understand their roles and are fully engaged in their fiduciary duties of oversight, policy setting, fundraising, and advocacy. Many board members are also unaware of their legal obligations or the fact that they can be held liable in the cases of negligence or misconduct.


For nearly 30 years, LCG has studied the foundation of effective governance and board development. As such, our consultants are adept at helping organizations develop boards that are effective and engaged.  

Board Governance

The governance model we designed places primary importance on helping the board fulfill its obligations of oversight and accountability, without becoming immersed in operational details. As needed, we assist the board in defining positions, board organization structure, committee responsibilities, and board operating guidelines. We delineate the role of the board in contrast to the role of management and define systems of mutual accountability. At the same time, we help boards establish methods that keep them operating collaboratively, focusing on external strategy, adapting to change, and achieving results that advance the organization's mission. In other words, we help board members work together to provide organizational oversight while ensuring that the organization's goals and objectives have been properly executed with exceptional transparency and integrity.

Board Manuals

The nature of the information included means that every board manual must be customized based on the related regulatory requirements and be easy to update. However, the manual must provide board members with a convenient reference tool that enables them to quickly find the information they need to meet the obligations of their public.

Board Recruitment & Orientation

With effective board members, passion fuels the fire of involvement, while skill ensures that passion bears fruit. Education and accountability are the final components in building a strong board. We begin that training by orienting new board members to the organization, its mission, and strategic plan, as well as familiarizing them with the responsibilities and expectations that come with their nonprofit board position. So important is orientation to board performance that we recommend it as a requirement before a new member even joins a board. Orientation begins the process of ongoing board education that includes regular updates and trainings to continue to inform and engage your board for long-term success.

Strategic Planning

Where vision requires imagination, planning demands practicality. As our clients can attest, LCG specializes in common sense combined with customized strategies for reaching your goals. Our approach comes through in developing strategic plans that provide realistic roadmaps that guide you toward your vision and business plans. We create our plans through consensus building techniques designed to ensure your priorities are appropriate and that actions can be carried out. Our plans include implementation activities, along with financial requirements, timelines with milestones that keep you on track, and accountability measures to allow you to assess your progress.

Retreat Facilitation

In today's dynamic environment, it is not only healthy but also critical for boards and senior management to periodically test assumptions, reorganize priorities, evaluate core competencies, and develop or enhance their strategic plans. This is often most effective when accomplished outside of a regular board meeting in a retreat environment where board members and management can focus on the strategic challenges and opportunities.

Seminars & Training

Confirming that you have staff, board members, and volunteers willing to raise funds is an important first step. The next is to support their enthusiasm with the tools and training they need or want to be successful fundraisers. At LCG, we transform willingness into effectiveness through proven training systems tailored to match the needs of each group. We also deliver individualized training to institutional leadership and board members, the people you're counting on to lead solicitation efforts.


LCG has led a wide variety of workshops, trainings and seminars.


Let's Work Together

We are happy to answer your questions and to explain our services as they relate to your organization. Please feel free to contact us so that we can provide the information you need.

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